SpeedFusion Cloud

From video streaming to online collaboration, everything depends on consistent Internet. When your line goes down, It can take minutes or hours to recover. Even with a backup line, it could take 30 seconds for the router to reconnect… unless you have the SpeedFusion Cloud. SpeedFusion instantly switches between connections so there’s zero downtime, opening up a wide range of possibilities.


Peplink has hosted endpoints in public clouds all over the world. Your device builds a SpeedFusion connection with one of our endpoints for unbreakable connectivity.


Q. Can I terminate/suspend my existing Internet service once it is connected to SpeedFusion Cloud?

The SpeedFusion Cloud combines existing links into a SpeedFusion connection. However, SpeedFusion SIMs are available for those who do not want the hassle of dealing with cellular service plans.

Q. My device only supports 2x SpeedFusion profiles and they are both in use. Can I still use the SpeedFusion Cloud service?

Yes, you can the SpeedFusion Cloud does not count towards your device’s peer limit.

Q. How do I make sure the application I want to protect uses the SpeedFusion Cloud?

You can use outbound policy to ensure that traffic from a specific application goes through the SpeedFusion Cloud. Define your source traffic as “any” and select your application under “protocol”. Select “enforced” as your algorithm, and finally select the SpeedFusion Cloud as the enforced connection.

Q. How do I check my SpeedFusion Cloud usage?

You can check your SpeedFusion Cloud usage on the dashboard of your router’s WebUI.

Q. What SpeedFusion technologies are available on the SpeedFusion Cloud?

The SpeedFusion Cloud supports full Bandwidth Bonding, WAN smoothing, and Bandwidth Overflow.

Q. Will there be a list of SpeedFusion Cloud endpoints to choose from?

Yes, you can choose ‘Automatic’ to automatically connect to the SpeedFusion Cloud endpoint nearest to you, or you can manually choose to connect to any of our SpeedFusion Cloud locations. Please follow this link to learn how to do this.

Q. Where do I go if I need help with the SpeedFusion Cloud?

Feel free to start a thread in the forum, this place is regularly visited by engineers. Otherwise, you can open a support ticket.

Q. If a top up’s allowed usage is used up before the expiry date, would I be able to purchase the same plan again?

Yes, when the allowed cloud usage is used up, you may purchase any plan to top it up. The expiry date will be updated to the latest purchase date.

Q. If the expiry date has passed and I still have allowed usage available, would I get this added to my new plan purchase?

No, if the expiry date has passed, any remaining cloud usage will not be carried forward. This is like a mobile phone data plan. The system will be reset when the expiry date is over.


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